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Modeling & Meshing

Modeling & Meshing

How can we apply different loading conditions on both the top and bottom of a shell/surface body, e.g., temperature on top face and convection on bottom face.

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      ANSYS utilizes the SHELL131 element to apply a load on layered shell data; this enables the application of loads to either the top or bottom of a given shell/surface body. The exposure of this element is directly available in ANSYS Workbench-Mechanical as a Beta feature. You can activate this in three steps: 1. On the WB project page go to Tools > Options > Appearance > scroll down and check the Beta Options box. 2. Then, in Tools > Options > Mechanical > Beta Feature Selection check the box labeled “Allow thermal variation along shell thickness”. *note: you will have to restart Workbench (save your project and close Workbench and reopen it) for this feature to take effect within Mechanical 3. When you open Mechanical, under Geometry, select your surface body and for the setting “Thermal Variation (Beta)”, choose “Linear Variation”. With those steps executed, when you apply a given load, under the Details box, a new field exists named “Shell Face”. You now have the additional option of choosing the top or bottom face though that field.