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Error with workbench SceneGraphChart

    • MoedaVerde

      I tried to install the ANSYS Student package 19.1 and this SceneGraphChart problem pops up. I saw the post that a guy wrote here in the forum asking for help for the same problem, but the solution given to it did not work for me at all.

      An unexpected error has occurred: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit. --- System.AggregateException: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit. --- System.Exception: SceneGraph.Engine - failed to boot up. at Ans.SceneGraphChart.Engine..ctor(IConfiguration p_config, IErrorHandler p_errorHandler) at Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin.Load(AddinLoadContext context) at Ansys.Core.Addins.AddinManager.setupAddin(String path, String name, AddinBase addin) at Ansys.Core.Addins.AddinManager.LoadAddin(String name, String path)

      I have Windows 10 Pro x64;

      I changed my username to one without accent and space;
      I tried install both on C and D (Both physical local driver);
      I always open with administrator privileges;

      I tried everything that tsiriaks say on this post:

      But nothing changes. Please, anyone can help me?

      Thanks in advance and please ignore some misspelling in my text.

    • jcallery
      Ansys Employee

      This could also be graphics card related.

      Please update your graphics drivers to the latest version, and verify that the "good" card is enabled as the primary card.

      For instance if you are using a laptop with an intel card and an nvidia card in it, open the nvidia control panel and 3d settings, and verify that "High Performance Graphics Processor" is selected as the primary card and not "auto detect"

      Which graphics card are you running?

      Thank you,


    • MoedaVerde

      My video card is a GEFORCE GTX 1060 updated. I wonder, is this problem because the Ryzen 7 processor has no GPU?

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Hi MoedaVerde,

      Could you provide screenshots of 'dxdiag' just like user SK_Runek provided in

      Also, have you tried Jake's suggestions for Lindsay (from the same post above) 


      Can you try closing all open ansys applications and rename the following directory:




      Then try launching workbench from the shortcut again.

      You may also want to try running ProductConfig:
      Start -> All Programs -> Ansys -> Utilities -> Right Click on Product and Cad Configuration -> Run As administrator

      Then click on Configure Products and Cads and follow the prompts.



      Thank you,


    • CelioGP


      I have the same problem. I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 745 video card

    • jcallery
      Ansys Employee

      Hi CelioGP,

      Which suggestions from this thread have you tried thus far?

      Additionally, please try the suggestions in this thread:

      Thank you,

    • CelioGP

      Hy JCallery

      I renamed the% appdata% / ansys directory to ansys_old I have already done this: Start -> All Programs -> Ansys -> Utilities -> Right Click on Product and Cad Configuration -> Run As administrator I already updated the driver of my video card. Follow the error and dxdiag photos

    • jcallery
      Ansys Employee

      Hi CelioGP,

      Thank you.

      Could you please try changing your language and locale to English and en-us?

      Thank you,

    • CelioGP


      how do I do that?


    • jcallery
      Ansys Employee

      Depending on your version of windows, please try something like the following:

      Thank you,

    • aliberati

      Hi all, 

      As a follow-up of these questions, I was having the same issue on my computer with the Ansys Student Pacakge under Windows 10.

      I tried most of the advice you offered :
      - updating my graphics cards drivers - I have a Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 and a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M
      - running my Nvidia control panel and setting the "high performance processor" instead of "auto-select"
      - renaming the %appdata%Ansys to %appdata%Ansys_old
      - running ProductConfig which seemingly had nothing to change 
      - installing on both my C: (SSD harddrive) then my D: (HDD harddrive)
      - running an existing project to at least open something of the program
      - restarting my computer after each process

      None of these worked.

      The last step I tried was changing my username on Windows. I wanted to change my user folder name that contained accents, but failed to do so - instead I changed the session username to a name without accents (I accessed the Advanced User Accounts panel by looking for "netplwiz" (Windows application), by clicking on my user name, then Properties, then by changing the name, applying the settings and rebooting the computer) : surprisingly enough, this worked actually.

      After rebooting, I could open the Workbench and launch the different processes. 

      Now I am having other issues though as Fluent won't launch with another list of error codes - but I guess it wouldn't be relevant here. At least I have the Workbench now.

      Best of luck to the other reading this who may have issues.

      (EDIT : Issues with Fluent may still be related to the "accent situation" as it searching for files from C:UsersD?d?... whereas files are in C:UsersDédé...)

      MAJOR EDIT : Apparently, "just changing" the User folder name is impossible and requires creating a new account or reinstalling Windows ( So I created a new User account (took 5min), made sure I had no accents in the name (called it Ansys) and now it's working like a charm. Hopefully this can solve your issues future readers ! 

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Hi aliberati,

      Thank you for sharing your resolution. This would definitely be helpful to others.

      Thank you,


    • frank2243

      Did anyone have ever found a solution for this problem?

      I have Windows 10 installed on an iMac 5K with the latest AMD drivers.

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Hi frank2243,

      See the discussion here

      If this doesn't help, please create a new thread.



    • ra9841lu

      Yes, that's the solution, I have (or had a minutes ago) the same problem, with that message I tought it was my GPU (GTX 1070 laptop) or the fact that I use a laptop so I need to change from the intel gpu from nvidia one for ANSYS, but no. The problem was that my windows is in Spanish and my user name have spaces and an accent (Raúl...), so I just create a new user account in english and just named Ansys, and worked! thanks, mention that I tried all the other solutions but not worked. I really wonder if you can on the next uptade fix this error please. 

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Hi ra9841lu,

      That's great. Thanks for letting us know.

      We've submitted this enhancement request to our development team. Hopefully, this is improved in the near future release.



    • pallavinataraj


      Ansys electronics desktop is giving error message when i try to open 3d component as" this 3d component is created in future version of this product and cant be open in this" My ansys electromagnetic suite is 19.2 version..kindly help to fix this error

    • Rob
      Ansys Employee

      It means that the model you're trying to open was created in a newer (probably 2019Rx) version of the code. You need to update to the later version to open the model. 

    • cafcafliayakkabi

      hello guys, i had the same problem for about 10, I got over with these problems.

      I would like to say how to I got over this issue "unexpected error the following required addins could not be loaded...etc"

      First of all , this problem arise from using a letter which does not belong in English language.For ex,, ? i ç ,ü,?...etc

      So, first thing that you have to do , press Windows +R  buttons and write "netplwiz" afterthat you will see your account(s). then add new account name with english letters.(You dont need to create with microsoft e-mail and just click local account.)And give it administrations.Before next step ,you had better backup your files because you will delete it,your current account.But it is not big deal to get back your files because you have already downloaded your files. just you might spend your time to find where the files in.It worked on me. now i can use these ansys  apps. I hope it will work on you.Good Luck!


    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Thank you for sharing your resolution Emre


    • matern

      With the same problem, this method helped solve it. Thanks.

    • hidalgoatomas

      Hi, I created a new account on my computer but i dont understand what is the next step. I'm trying to install 2019 R2 version.

    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      If you have not already done so, please create a new thread and describe the issue with screenshot of error (if exist) 



    • puzite
      After I updated windows this error started to appear when I tried to open workbench 2020 r2 and no solution posted here has worked for me. I have tried to reinstall ansys multiple times on older windows versions and also on other users. Only solution I haven't tried is to reset my PC but I really want to avoid that. nIs there any other solution?n
    • puzite
      Nvm I just fixed itn
    • Francis
      Hi, I’m having the exact same problem as you presently. I’ve tried all of the above solutions. How did you manage to fix it? thanks! francis
    • Francis
      I’m having this problem presently with the student version of Ansys, 2020 R2. I have tried all the above solutions, but none have worked. Has anyone had this problem with 2020 R2 and fixed it?nthanks,nFrancis n
    • Dohyun Kim

      I met this error changing my windows utf-8 preferences, so you may try:

      1. Open the Windows Control Panel
        2. Select [Clock and Region]-[Region]
        3. Open the [Administration] Tab
        4. """UnCheck""" "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 in worldwide languages" from "Change system locale".
        5. Restart Windows.

      In my case, I solved this error after restarting window.

      • Joao Miranda

        I tried to use this method, but solidworks stopped working, is there a way to make solidworks work with this method?

    • Abhinav kumar singh

      the same problem but not solved after many attempts. please help me. 

    • Zexin Shan

      It is 2023 now. The same problem still exists. I've tried everything posted here but none of them works. Just decided to give up using ANSYS.

    • TJ

      Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit.
      --- System.AggregateException: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit.

      --- System.DllNotFoundException: Die DLL "SceneGraphChart.Components.dll": Die angegebene Prozedur wurde nicht gefunden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8007007F) kann nicht geladen werden.
         bei Ans.SceneGraphChart.Engine.Ans_SceneGraph_Bootup(Object p_iConfiguration, Object p_iErrorHandler)
         bei Ans.SceneGraphChart.Engine..ctor(IConfiguration p_config, IErrorHandler p_errorHandler)
         bei Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin.Load(AddinLoadContext context)
         bei Ansys.Core.Addins.AddinManager.setupAddin(String path, String name, AddinBase addin)
         bei Ansys.Core.Addins.AddinManager.LoadAddin(String name, String path)


      Same here.


      What is the solution?


    • Benjamín Cruz Cuba Guzmán

      Hello i would like to know how to solve this problem, im trying to use Ansys Student 2023 R1, when i lunch Workbench this happens:

      An unexpected error has occurred: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit.
      --- System.AggregateException: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit.

      --- System.Exception: SceneGraph.Engine - failed to boot up.
         at Ans.SceneGraphChart.Engine..ctor(IConfiguration p_config, IErrorHandler p_errorHandler)
         at Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin.Load(AddinLoadContext context)
         at Ansys.Core.Addins.AddinManager.setupAddin(String path, String name, AddinBase addin)
         at Ansys.Core.Addins.AddinManager.LoadAddin(String name, String path)

      I don't know what to do, but i need to find a solution early, because i have to make a proyect for my class

    • Remi Roux

      Hi everyone,

      The same issue happened to me, and I find something additional in the “changing your username” solution.

      My username initially had an accent so I changed it. However, nothing changed because the Users folder containing the data of the account still has an accent. This is because the Users folder takes the current account’s name at its creation. Hence, changing your account name would not change the folder’s name. And then, when Ansys wants to access personal data, etc, it goes through this folder with an accent, and that is the problem.

      I do not know how to change the name of this folder but I think that is one of the cause.

      I forgot to mention: The desktop I am using has different profiles and different accounts. So for me, there are no issues with graphic cards,... I am the only one with this issue and the only one with an accent. Since ANSYS is an American software and they do not use accents, I would not be surprised if it is only that. For example, if you try creating an account for an American software with an accent, they often mark an error that the name is not valid.

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