3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

material properties

    • eman

      how can i add the properties of material (bone)  in ANSYS 
       i'm work on explicit dynamic 

    • peteroznewman

      On the Workbench Project Schematic, where you have the Explicit Dynamics system, double click on the row named Engineering Data. That will open a new tab in Workbench. You will see in grey "Click here for new material" and you would click and type a name for the new material, such as bone.

      Now you add the properties that you have available. You add properties by dragging from the Toolbox on the left and dropping onto the material name, bone. The minimum properties required for a Dynamic analysis are Density, which is listed under Physical Properties, and Isotropic Elasticity, which wants two inputs: Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio.

      There are many, many more properties you could add, but those two will at least allow the solver to run.

      After you create the materials in Engineering Data, you click back onto the Project tab. You will see that the Model cell has a Refresh icon, so you click the Refresh button to bring the new material into the model.

      Finally, you open the model, expand the Geometry branch and find the solid body that represents bone and click on that. In the Details window, find the Assignment row for Material and pull down to find bone.


    • eman

      ok thank you ,, i find it 
       but i have  another question ,, i want to add fracture strain but i dont find it in the list << how i can fide it ?


    • peteroznewman

      In the Explicit Dynamics model, under Analysis Settings there is a setting for Erosion, which means removing elements when a failure criterion is met. You can set that to be when the element strain exceeds the value you want for fracture strain. 

    • eman

      ok ,, i understand if you mean like this picture ? 

       strain limit is it the same of fracture strain or ultimate strain ?? 

    • Sandeep Medikonda
      Ansys Employee

      Eman, it would typically correspond to the fracture strain and as soon as an element in your model reaches this limit it is deleted. See here.

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    • eman

      Hi, i try to do a new discussion but there is some error 


      I want a file or a website which I can know the basis of Explicit dynamic works, and the mathematical equations that depend on it. .. Can you help me, please ?
    • Sandeep Medikonda
      Ansys Employee

      Eman, There is a complete chapter on how Explicit Dynamics works in the help. Please see here.


    • eman
      But I dont have portal account ,, can you give me the link of chapter ?
    • Sandeep Medikonda
      Ansys Employee


        All help was moved online starting in v19. You don't need a portal account. Please see these 2 links:





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