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Colors and Mesh Display

    • lucaspigliasco

      Hello. I started using Ansys Workbench to help me with my studies at college, so I've been reading the "Chen, Xiaolin - Finite Element Modeling and Simulation" book to learn a little about it

      Looking into the images of the book and other videos I could see that the mesh on my computer is always being shown, no matter if I click in Solve, Geometry, Mesh... Is there a way to change it just to show when I click in the "Mesh" part? (I have the 18.2 version)

      Also, when I solve the Shape Optimization following the steps from the book I got no colors in my Graphics Window, even though the subtitles show it. I am doing the exact same thing of the book and I've googled it for some answers, but the colors are simply OK in every video I see and I can't find a way to how to display them. Maybe it is something that I've modified accidentally, I don't know...

      Attached are 2 photos of what I am trying to do and what is actually showing on my graphics window. Thank you and I am sorry if these are stupid questions.


    • Sandeep Medikonda
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Lucas,

      You might not have the Graphics Options Toolbar turned on (View> Toolbars> Graphics Options). Now if it is turned on there, try reset layout and see if it helps? You basically want to click on the Show Mesh button. For the results, you might want to use the show elements button in the Context toolbar.

      What I see you are using is the Topology Optimization (previously called shape optimization), now this analysis system has undergone several changes in the last few iterations and is far more robust. I recommend you to upgrade your ansys software using the Download Free Software from the banner at the top of this page.

      There are no stupid questions, so do your basic searches and feel free to ask questions if you don't understand.

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    • lucaspigliasco

       Thank you, SandeepMedikonda.


      I appreciate the time you spent helping me. It looks like the mesh problem is solved and I will try to download a new version.

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