Process Integration and Design Optimization

Process Integration and Design Optimization

Optislang workbench add-in

    • amir_ms81
      Hi,   I have installed Ansys 2019R1 and Optislang8 on Linux. both works fine seperately but the problem is that I cannot see optislang inside the workbench like windows.   is there any compatibility issue in Linux between ANSYS and Optislang?   Thanks
    • dsurendr
      Ansys Employee


      Please check if you have the AWP_ROOT193 environment variable set to the 2019 R1 installation path. This should enable the Workbench plugin option when you run the Optislang installer again.

    • amir_ms81

      I did it. I used "export AWP_ROOT193=/opt/ansys_inc/v193"

      now, I manually installed the optislang extension and it works fine but it seems every time I have to add the extensions to my workbench.


    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      You should be able to set it to add by default. In the ACT page -> Manage extensions, there is a small arrow on the bottom right of each ACT tool, there you can select to load as default.

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