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ANSYS Direct Optimization

    • amt09


      I am using Direct Optimization on ANSYS Workbench 2019R1. I have an Icepak model with multiple parameters. I am running the optimization to minimize one parameter while keeping another derived parameter constant. 


      I am having two scenarios which I do not understand. 


      1. The optimization converges, but there are no candidate points. 


      2. Candidate points are given but the optimization did not converge. 


      I do not understand how it can give candidate points without converging, and how it converges and there are no candidate points. 


      Can someone elaborate on this topic please? 



    • Guddi19


      i have quit the same issue.

      I use the Optimization-Tool to  converge some Paramteters.

      The Maximum Number of Candidates Value is 5,l but in the results no Candidate-points has been found and i dont know why.


      Need help too!



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