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Ansys SPEOS-Fluorescent Material


    • jehanxt

      I started to learn Ansys SPEOS recently and I would like to know if anyone have any answers to the following two questions I have.

      I have created a Fluorescent material type (polymer film) which includes quantum dots. The details which I have entered in the 'Fluorescence' tab in the material. Currently I have given a absorption spectrum range between 250-540nm and emission range from 500-1000nm for the quantum dot.

      1) I would like to know what is this scattering variation graph which shows in the below figure. I would also like to know what is the wavelength range I need to give in the scattering variation so that the quantum dots will work. Does Ansys software automatically calculate the diffusion coefficient?

    • Karthik Remella
      The scattering variation graph is the diffusion (mm-1) depending on the wavelength, the range to set should correspond to the wavelength bandwidth that you have information of diffusion (visible range for instance?). Here is some additional information about this from the SPEOS User Guide. https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v202/en/Optis_UG_LAB/Optis/UG_Lab/scattering_properties_162668.html
      Regarding the second question - please check the following link.https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v202/en/Optis_UG_LAB/Optis/UG_Lab/particles_31533.html
      I hope this helps answer your question.
      Thank you.

    • Jehan Jaya

      Hi Kremella,

      I have read all the documents you have provided and I have a question if someone is able to help me out. The "Laboratory Optical Measurement Device User's Guide" in page 76 mentions that, Lower the mean free path, greater is the diffusion coefficient. This is the only place that mentions the relationship between diffusion coefficient[mm-1] in the software and mean free path[mm]. I currently have the experimental values for the Mean free Path (MFP) and I need to get the diffusion coefficient to input it to the Ansys SPEOS software to simulate the model.

      Can I assume the software consider, Diffusion coefficient[mm-1]= 1/ mean free path[mm] or if diffusion coefficient is inversely proportional to MFP. If so what would be the constants/ equation. As the Ansys software consider diffusion coefficient in the units of mm-1, I would like to seek help on what would the diffusion coefficient equation that is used in the software.

      If my question is unclear please let me know. I will try to explain it again.

      Thank You

    • Jehan Jaya

    • Jehan Jaya
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