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Error: addfdtd is not a valid function or a variable name

    • momchil

      Hi I am trying to run older scripts, and I get an error that "addfdtd is not a valid function or a variable name" -

      is addfdtd removed from MODE 2021 R1 release?

      I cannot find FDTD object under Simulation also, why is that?

    • momchil
      answering my own question - the error is due to improper project start - when running scripts with FDTD engine command (i.e. addfdtd) start the launcher and open a "New FDTD Project".
      The error was due to my MODE application starting the default project with EME solver instead.
    • gsun
      Ansys Employee
      You are right that if you use script you will need to launch the proper project first. If you manually open a new project from "File", you will be able to open any solver from the launcher as the recent a few versions have this compacity.
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