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How do I make a chart with multiple material parameters on y-axis?

    • harshb


      I am trying to plot the following two parameters for all metals, plastics, and composites in the Granta EduPack database:

      1) Energy required to melt [kJ/kg] = 8.4*Cp*Tm, where Cp and Tm are specific heat and melting temperature;

      2) Energy required to deform [kJ/kg] = 3*(sigma_y + sigma_uts)/density, where sigma_y and sigma_uts are yield and failure strengths

      Currently I am able to make 1D charts of these parameters for each material class. Below I show the two plots for all plastics in the database.

    • bridget.ogwezi
      Ansys Employee
      At the top left hand corner of the chart creating dialogue box, you'll find tabs for the X and Y axis. Click on each of these to select the parameter for that axis. When you've done them both, you can click OK and you'll have a bubble chart.

    • harshb
      So that works for making a bubble chart. But I'm hoping to make a 1D chart with nothing on the x-axis and the both parameters plotted on the y-axis. Something like this:
      So I want Granta EduPack to output a plot with both the melting and deforming energies on the y-axis for each material class: plastics, metals, and composites. Then I can make this chart by stitching together the three individual plots.
      Is this possible with the software? Is there any way to output the numerical values in the database?
    • zhaowen0910
      Hello, there,
      There is a trick I have used a couple of times for your reference:
      Create both charts in edupack with the scales adjusted
      Copy both into PowerPoint, set the background to transparent
      Overlapping two charts together
      I have create a quick example (without aligning scales though, just to show the idea):
      Hope this could be of some help.

    • zhaowen0910
      This is a much better figure
    • harshb
      Thank you WZhao, I will try this.
      How did you create the individual plots with composites, metals and alloys, and plastics all plotted on the x-axis?
      When I plot the parameter with a custom subset of composites, metals/alloys, or plastics, I only get one material class on the x-axis.
      And to match the scales, I should set the same max and min limits for both plots, right?

    • zhaowen0910
      Hi You are right about the scales. This is what I have done so far.
      As to add different material class on x-axis, I used the Advanced under Chart:
      (BTW, the axis setting down there is where I set the scales)
      And then if you go to Trees:

      You are then ready to add whatever material class you would like to. I am guessing until now you should be able to create the individual charts as the way you like them.

    • David Mercier
      Ansys Employee
      Hi, to get such graphic it is explained above by defining material families you want to show in the tree option of x-axis. And for the y axis limits (min and max, it depends if you show 1 or 2 axis on your graphic. If you keep 1 axis, you have to set the same max and min values for the y-axis. If not it doesn't matter but you have to play on the color for example to differentiate the 2 different plots (eg Young's modulus and Yield strength).
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