Process Integration and Design Optimization

Process Integration and Design Optimization

Local Sensitivity and Sensitivities: what difference?

    • djandric
      Ansys Employee
      In DX we have 2 types of sensitivities: Local Sensitivity It is available in the Response Surface component. It represents the variation of an output parameter when a single input parameter varies, with all the other inputs to their current value (current Response Point). The variation of the output is simply calculated (if Axes Range = Use Min Max of the Output Parameter): (sign) 100 * one-parameter-varying range / all-parameters-varying range The sign is determined whether the Min happens before or after the Max. For example, let's look at this curve:
    • kkanade
      Ansys Employee
    • Pouya Rahimi


      Hi, My question is also:  Local Sensitivity and Sensitivities: what difference?

      But could not see the complete answer for that here!
      Could you please answer me again?



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