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Mesh Interfaces in ANSYS FLUENT

    • ADARSH V R

      I would like to know how we can handle mesh interfaces in FLUENT Solver...my mesh was generated in pointwise..the problem is a conjugate heat transfer with a common interface between the solid and fluid domain...FLUENT identifies additional interface created in pointwise but i am unable to initialize the problem due to these additional interfaces...I know in space claim using the Share option before exporting the geometry into ANSYS meshing can automatically create connection in ANSYS Meshing and shadow regions in FLUENT solver...I would like to know how to handle this type of problem when using another meshing software like POINTWISE?


    • kkanade
      Ansys Employee

      you may need to contact pointwise support for that. we dont have access to it. 

      from fluent perspective, you can go ahead and create interfaces. for the part which is overlapping, it creates interfaces. for the part of the boundary zone which is not overlapping, fluent creates additional wall boundary zones. if boundary zones are perfectly overlapping, these new wall boundary zones could be empty. 

      please go through help manual. i also inserting images from help manual. 

      if this helps you, please mark this post as 'is solution' to help others on forum. 

    • ADARSH V R

      Mesh interface for my problem

      My Mesh Interface looks like the above image...Interace1 is part of fluid domain & 2 part of solid domain...same for 3&4, 5&6.Based on this i want to define a shared face between the solid and the fluid domain for the conjugate heat transfer problem....how can I proceed?


    • kkanade
      Ansys Employee

      if mesh interfaces are defined, you can proceed to your other set up and calculations. 

    • kkanade
      Ansys Employee

      if this helps, please mark this as 'is solution' to help others on forum. 

    • ADARSH V R

      Thank you...I defined the mesh interfaces and the shadow region is also created in FLUENT..I am able to proceed to the setup and calculations now



    • JavadAhmadi

      Hello and thank you so much for all the information given by the authors here. I have just one question that recently I've faced, that is when we must tick the coupled wall options in the Interface Options? because during the solution of an example I did not check it out intentionally but there were not any discrepancies in the results. So it is really in my nerd that when would this could affect the results adversely. Thank you so much if somebody gives me enough information.



    • kedy4mea
      I have a similar question. Did you manage to find an answer?nnThank you for your help.n
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