Process Integration and Design Optimization

Process Integration and Design Optimization

Optislang Adaptive Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis(AMOP)

    • Diego_A
      Hi, I am trying to do a sensitve analysis using the Ansys 2021 R2 ACT- optislang. when I want to slecte the AMOP, the software is no respond. Meanwhile, other sampling methods is under normal service condition. Does anyone knows why that is? Thanks, Diego
    • akhemka
      Forum Moderator

      What is the end goal of this analysis? Please comment.

      Regards Ashish Khemka
    • Diego_A
      Hello Ashish
      In Sensitive analysis, after using a smapling method , the COP is too small to meet the requirements, so I need a AMOP to improve COP.

      Regard DIEGO
    • Markus Wagner
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Diego_A, 

      the Problem you describe here might be related to a Licensing update with 21R2.
      So, you can update your Licenses or use an optiSLang Version 21R2.1 or later.

      Best regards,

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