Photonics – Korean

Photonics – Korean

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Regarding Heat simulation

    • Sushil Tandukar


      I am trying to solve the rise in the temperature in my device, due to Joule heating as shown in the attachment. The first picture indicates the full 3D view, and the cross-sectional view. The goal is to simply simulated a unit cell on 3D. Thus, I have set, insulating boundary condition everywhere, expect at the top of the metal pads, and the bottom of the silicon substrate.  The second picture, shows that each layers have been meshed individually to correctly represent the thickness on the range of hundred of nanometer.

    • Sushil Tandukar
      Here, is the simulation setup image again. The III-V structure is embedded inside SiO2.

    • kghaffari
      Ansys Employee
      Hi Sushil Thank you for the detailed description. The PK error might be an issue related to an earlier version of the software. Can you please let me know what version you are currently using? An update to the latest version might resolve the problem. Otherwise, your boundary condition definitions seem correct to me. Also good to know you have defined individual mesh constraints for each layer, as this often helps with meshing issues.
      Best regards Khash
    • Sushil Tandukar
      Dear Khash
      Thank you for the reply. Currently, I am using Anysy Lumerical 2021 R2 as shown in the snippet attached.

    • kghaffari
      Ansys Employee
      Hi Sushil The known PK errors in finite element are fixed after this version. Please upgrade your software to the latest version and let us know if it resolves the error you're getting.
      Best Khash
    • Sushil Tandukar

      Hi Khash

      I have updated the software as you recommended. However, I see the following new error as shown in the attached picture. Could you please help me understand the issue?

    • kghaffari
      Ansys Employee
      Hi Sushil The error indicates an unsupported environment variable. Please check the environment variable used with Intel MPI.You can find detailed instructions on this in this post.
      Best regards
    • Sushil Tandukar
      Hi Khash
      Could you please let me know regarding the second error, "Error: The point set is trivial", and how to avoid such error.

    • Sushil Tandukar
      Hi Khash

      I am still getting the MPI error. I read the post that you have sent to me, but I am unable to fix the issue. Can you please give me some more advise, regarding the MPI error and Error: the point set is trivial.
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