Kampus Merdeka

Kampus Merdeka

The FLUENT application failed to validate the connection.

    • Mohammad Yusqi Shoubil Haq

      Today, my ANSYS fluent can't be started when I am starting to edit the imported mesh from ANSYS Workbench. Mainly, it won't take a long time to open the imported mesh and data. Is there any solution to my problem? Thank you very much


    • Nikhil Narale
      Ansys Employee




      Please check this thread: Fluent Failed to validate connection (ansys.com)

      In that thread, you may want to try out few suggestions/workarounds from the user itself and see if that works. 




    • Mohammad Yusqi Shoubil Haq


      Previously, thank you very much for your response. I just tried to do all that you suggested to me. But, my Ansys software still won't start properly and the program just shows me the same problem which is Failing to validate the connection. Any other way to solve this problem or maybe I could use Ansys Cloud computing? Thank You Very Much



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