

Topics relate to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more

The solver failed with a non-zero exit code of : 2

    • hamda


      When I want to run cfx, I get this error:

      The solver failed with a non-zero exit code of : 2


      I could run before but after changing some boundary conditions , I got this error. How can I fix it?

      Many thanks

    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee

      Return back to the working setup and try to figure out what lead to the exit code. The cause is manifold so you need to debug a bit and make only one change at one.

      What was the initial working configuration and what did you change? Does the error occur directly before iterating or within the solution process?

    • rssastry
      Ansys Employee

      This error can happen for a number of different reasons. And in your case could be due to change in boundary condition.

      If you are using workbench, try right-clicking the solution cell and Selecting 'Reset'. 

      This will clear away any previous data that could be preventing the solver from starting up properly.

    • hamda

      I still can't run it.in my case, there is an energy source that was defined in subdomain in solid  domain. But I see in fluid domain...> sources  in which I can define energy source too.  I was wondering whether I should define energy source in this section too?


    • Raef.Kobeissi

      Yes did you try to define energy source from fluid domain? any change?

    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee

      Do you need the energy source in your fluid or solid domain? If for the solid domain do not add anything for the fluid domain.

    • hamda

      Dear Amine,

      in my problem, fluid (coolant) collects heat from solid (fuel). So I can't  for example consider  "adiabatic " in fluid domain boundary condition.  there is heat transfer between solid and fluid. I think since I didn't define boundary conditions in both solid and fluid domains correctly so I can't run it. 

    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee

      Does your current case include solid regions? If yes then the heat will come from there and apply a volumetric source in the solid regions. For the boundary conditions of the fluid domain and as your picture tells me that there is sort of periodicity /symmetry you can then at first then use symmetry or Periodic boundaries. 

    • hamda

      Yes, I did that but I still have a problem. I am pretty good at FLUENT and done several  CFD projects by that . I thought CFX was similar or even easier than FLUENT for my current project. But I just one time can run my case and after a few change I am not able to run it. It should be mentioned that I always try with simplest state and after each run I change some conditions and define new expression. Is it wrong with my mesh?? If so, I ran my case once.

    • hamda

      Could you please introduce  some tutorials , videos in which  modelling heat transfer through packed bed (or several spheres ) by CFX have been  described? I searched but I couldn't find any useful tutorials for CFX.




    • hamda

      In Fluent, First I run my case for fluid  flow without considering heat transfer, It is easy there I just turn off energy equation, But in CFX I don't know How can I  run my case without considering heat transfer? Now I wanted to do that but I saw that in boundary condition, There i s no option and I have to choose  one of these: thermal energy, total energy, etc....

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